Evernote templates locked
Evernote templates locked

Font Awesome Icons: Search Font Awesome 5 icons and include it in your posts as inline elements.Supports: Buffer, Diaspora, Douban, Evernote, Facebook, Flipboard, Hacker News, Hatena, Kakao Story, LINE, LinkedIn, Menéame, Mixi, Pinterest, Pocket, Qzone, Reddit, Renren, Telegram, Tumblr, Twitter, VK, Weibo, WhatsApp and XingĪnd new controls for any blocks with rich text! Social share: Choose your favorite social media platforms and allow visitors to share your content easily.Card: A simple bordered box with a header and custom content (Inner Blocks).CSV Tables: Allows you to import a CSV file and show its contents in a table with search and order functionality.Accordion: An accordion-like drop down with a header and InnerBlocks, so you can create multiple accordions inside.You can protect anything inside this “block container” with a password, allow only logged-in members to see the contents, filter by user role and display only in single or archive pages. Private Block: A block that helps you protect your content and control its visibility.The template will be set as the default content of new posts of that type.Assign your newly created template to any post type (post, page or custom).Start creating your template, adding any blocks you’d like with the Gutenberg editor.Go to Blocks Templates->Create Template in your admin panel.

evernote templates locked evernote templates locked

Create and set Gutenberg blocks templates for your posts, pages and custom post types.

Evernote templates locked