Gopro video editor for windows
Gopro video editor for windows

gopro video editor for windows

One of the easiest and most convenient ways to edit videos quickly is by using a video editing application.

  • Videos/Audios Management Tools Recommended.
  • Whether you're looking to create a quick video for social media or you're a professional video editor looking for a fast and efficient tool to edit your footage, there are a number of options available to you. But if I can pick something up for <$100 that is as good as if not better, is more reliable, and works on a desktop, then I'd like to do that.In the age of social media and online video sharing, having a quick video editor is becoming increasingly important.

    gopro video editor for windows

    If the answer is, Quik is the best just deal with it, then OK. So, curious if there is anything out there. It does not look like it has the same "auto-edit" type functions that Quik does, so I'd have to figure out how to align clips with music, transition at the right time, etc., which I really don't feel like doing to be honest. That said, I haven't spent any time with it. I downloaded Blender but my first impression was, holy heck this is going to take a while to figure out. It is MUCH easier to edit on a desktop/laptop than iPad or iPhone. no desktop version, or at least the old desktop version is much different from the app.If you spend several hours making a cool video, you don't want to lose it b/c the SW is crap. The support page is full of similar complaints, with no real resolution other than "have you tried to reboot" or "try shortening the edit". product support doesn't seem all that great.lately have been having issues just saving or exporting edits, which is really annoying.Often freezes where I need to reboot the iPad. it's AI is pretty good at automatically editing clip transitions and various effects, really making it look professional.I can get this done in a few hours or less. easy to use: easy to throw clips together, add music, and generate a video I can upload to youtube or the socials.I'm currently using GoPro Quik on my iPad.

    Gopro video editor for windows